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New Horizons employs its patrons in small business activities that benefit the community, including creating herbal teas and lotions, staffing the resale shop, shredding documents and making disposable shop rags.
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Enriching the lives of people with disabilities
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Welcome to New Caney New Horizons

Enriching the lives of people with disabilities


The New Horizons day program provides training and employment opportunities to help individuals with disabilities live as independently as possible.

Donate Online Today!

Your donation helps to ensure the continuation of quality programming for adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities within our community.


New Horizons operates its resale shop six days a week, provides shredding services and disposable shop rags, and sells home-grown herbal products.

Serving Individuals with Intellectual & Developmental Disabilities since 1992

Welcome to Our Home

Every day at New Horizons is a day of celebration! We celebrate the unique gifts and character each one of our Patrons has been blessed with. As you enter the door you feel a spirit of joy and enthusiasm in being with friends in a positive, nurturing environment. You see the camaraderie and care for one another that makes you feel at home. New Horizons is a great place to be!

Our Focus

  • Vocational Training and Employment Opportunities
  • Social and Recreational Activities
  • Functional Skills Needed for Independent Living

Your Tax-Deductible Donation

Is greatly appreciated!

Building Skills, Knowledge & Independence

Enjoying Life

Generously supported by the

United Way